File & Object Storage

Fluke makes it easy to interact with your data no matter where they reside! In this section, we will look at all aspects of working with data through Fluke.

Accessing data

Fluke treats object storage in the cloud as if it were an ordinary file system where files are organized in directories, which is the type of storage most people are familiar with. Therefore, Fluke offers two distinct, yet interconnected, APIs in order to interact with data:

  1. File API: Used for handling either individual files in a file system, be it local or remote, or objects in the cloud. This API includes:

  2. Dir API: Used for handling entire directories of files/objects. This API includes:

Accessing local entities

No matter the type of entity with which you wish to interact, you need to know its path within the storage system in which it resides. Regarding local entities, this is actually the only piece of information required in order to access them:

from import LocalFile

file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')

Accessing remote entities

For any entity that is not local to our machine’s file system, we usually need a bit more information. This is typically an Auth instance used for authenticating with the remote host in order to gain access to its resources (see Authentication), as well as some more information regarding an entity’s exact location. For example, in the case of a directory which resides within an Amazon S3 bucket, we also need the name of said bucket:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3Dir

# Create an "AWSAuth" instance.
auth = AWSAuth(**credentials)

# Gain access to an Amazon S3 directory.
s3_dir = AmazonS3Dir(

# Interact with "s3_dir".

# Close any open connections.

Notice how at the end we invoked the instance’s close method? This is done in order to prevent any connection leaks from occurring, and is in fact required when interacting with any non-local entity. Alternatively, you can avoid having to invoke this method by instantiating your object through the class’s context manager:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3Dir

# Create an "AWSAuth" instance.
auth = AWSAuth(**credentials)

# Gain access to an S3 directory through a context manager.
with AmazonS3Dir(
) as s3_dir:

  # Interact with "s3_dir".

Intermediate access

After having gained access to a directory, you may also access its files and/or subdirectories as individual File/Dir instances through the following methods:

  • get_file(path: str) -> File

  • get_subdir(path: str) -> Dir

Consider the following example in which we use a directory’s get_file method in order to access a file which resides directly within it, namely file.txt:

from import LocalDir, LocalFile

# Access directory.
local_dir: LocalDir = LocalDir(path='dir')

# Access file through directory.
local_file: LocalFile = local_dir.get_file('file.txt')

This is almost equivalent to:

from import LocalFile

# Access file directly.
local_file: LocalFile = LocalFile(path='dir/file.txt')

The only difference between these two methods of accessing a file is that when doing so through a directory, this results in the two sharing a bunch of resources with each other, them being:

  • The file metadata

  • The underlying connection (in case of remote entities)

  • The cache storage (in case of remote entities)

Regarding remote entities, seeing that a file shares the same connection with the directory from which it came, you should restrain from invoking the file’s close method, as this would also impact your ability to interact with the directory:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3Dir, AmazonS3File

# Create an "AWSAuth" instance.
auth = AWSAuth(**credentials)

# Access directory.
s3_dir = AmazonS3Dir(auth=auth, bucket='bucket_name', path='dir')

# Access file through directory.
s3_file: AmazonS3File = s3_dir.get_file('file.txt')

# Close connection through file.

# This would now cause an exception as
# the underlying connection has been closed.
dir_size = s3_dir.get_size()

Therefore, by utilizing intermediate access, you are able to interact with many remote entities without having to open multiple connections:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3Dir, AmazonS3File

# Create an "AWSAuth" instance.
auth = AWSAuth(**credentials)

# Gain access to the entire bucket.
with AmazonS3Dir(auth=auth, bucket='bucket_name') as bucket:

  # Interact with its files.
  s3_file: AmazonS3File = bucket.get_file('file.txt')
  file_size = s3_file.get_size()

  # Interact with its subdirectories.
  s3_dir: AmazonS3Dir = bucket.get_subdir('dir')

Interacting with data

After having gained access to an entity, you are then free to interact with it in various ways, like for example fetch its size in bytes:

from import LocalFile

file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')
size = file.get_size()

or even read its entire contents as raw bytes and store them in memory:

from import LocalFile

file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')
file_bytes =

There is even the possibility of reading files partially. This is especially useful in cases where a file is too large to keep in memory, however, you are aware of the position of the information that you seek within the file. Partially reading a file is achieved through the File API’s read_range method.

from import LocalFile

file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')

# Read a chunk of bytes containing only
# the first Kilobyte of data.
chunk = file.read_range(start=0, end=1024)

# Extract info from said chunk...
text = chunk.decode('utf-8')

Finally, even if you don’t know the exact position of the information you are after, you can always read a large file in smaller chunks, which can be examined on the spot:

from import LocalFile

file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')

# Go through the file in 1MB chunks...
for chunk in file.read_chunks(chunk_size=1024*1024)
  # Decode bytes to text.
  text = chunk.decode('utf-8')
  # Stop if you found what you were looking for.
  if valuable_info in text:

# Work on "text"...

Since all File API methods are pretty self-explanatory, for the rest of this section we will focus on the Dir API, and more specifically, on parameter recursively, as its value directly determines the result of most of its methods. In essence, this parameter dictates whether a directory is going to be traversed recursively or not, or in other words, whether we are going to take into consideration its top-level files only, or all its files, no matter whether they reside directly within the directory or within one of its subdirectories.

Consider for example the following directory:


Now consider the following code and try to guess what will be printed onto the console after executing it:

from import LocalDir

local_dir = LocalDir(path='dir')

print(f"Ordinary count: {local_dir.count()}")
print(f"Recursive count: {local_dir.count(recursively=True)}")

This is the output we get after executing the above code block:

Ordinary count: 2
Recursive count: 3

That is because when recursively has been set to its default value, namely the value False, the count method will only consider those entities that reside within the directory’s top-level, which in our case are the file file1.txt and the directory subdir. On the other hand, when recursively has been set to True, all existing subdirectories will be traversed as well for any files they may contain, resulting in counting three separate entities within the context of our example, namely file1.txt, file2.txt and file3.txt.

Note that whenever recursively is set to True, subdirectories are not considered to be additional entities, and are only searched for any files that may reside within them. If, for example, subdir were empty, then local_dir.count(recursively=True) would merely return the value 1.

Transfering data

Being able to move data between various locations is arguably Fluke’s predominant feature, and it is rendered possible through the use of the transfer_to method, which is part of both APIs File and Dir. Below is a complete example in which we transfer the contents of a virtual directory residing within an Amazon S3 bucket to a virtual directory of an Azure blob container, all in just a few lines of code:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth, AzureAuth
from import AmazonS3Dir, AzureBlobDir

# This object will be used to authenticate with AWS.
aws_auth = AWSAuth(**aws_credentials)

# This object will be used to authenticate with Azure.
azr_auth = AzureAuth.from_service_principal(**azr_credentials)

with (
    AmazonS3Dir(auth=aws_auth, bucket='bucket', path='dir') as s3_dir,
    AzureBlobDir(auth=azr_auth, container='container', path='dir') as azr_dir
    s3_dir.transfer_to(dst=azr_dir, recursively=True)

Unless you set parameter suppress_output to True, Fluke will go on to print the progress of the transfer onto the console:

Data transfer progress (without chunk_size)

Furthermore, if you set parameter chunk_size, the method will produce an even more verbose output, as files will be transfered in distinct chunks instead of all at once:

Data transfer progress (with chunk_size)

Finally, it is important to note that if anything goes wrong during the transfer of one or more entities, then an appropriate message will be displayed after the method is done with being executed:

Data transfer error

In the above case, this error could be eliminated by setting the transfer_to method’s overwrite parameter to True.

Managing metadata

You might have noticed that both File and Dir APIs offer a get_metadata/set_metadata method pair. Although these methods serve no purpose when transfering data to either the local or a remote file system, as standard file systems have no way of associating files with custom metadata, they are quite important when uploading files to the cloud in case you wish to assign any metadata to them.

Assigning metadata to files

Consider the following example in which we set parameter include_metadata to True while transfering a file to Amazon S3, after we have first assigned some metadata to it through the set_metadata method:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import LocalFile, AmazonS3Dir

# Instantiate a local file and assign some metadata to it.
file = LocalFile(path='/home/user/path/to/file.txt')
file.set_metadata({'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'})

# Transfer file to Amazon S3 along with its metadata.
with AmazonS3Dir(auth=AWSAuth(**aws_credentials), bucket='bucket', path='dir') as s3_dir:
    file.transfer_to(dst=s3_dir, include_metadata=True)

Along with file.txt being uploaded to Amazon S3, any metadata that were defined via the set_metadata method will be associated with it. In fact, we can easily confirm this by executing the following code:


which results in the following output being printed onto the console:

{'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'}

Finally, note that when accessing a file through a directory, any modification made to its metadata through either API, will be reflected in the other. Consider the following example:

from import LocalDir, LocalFile

# Access directory.
local_dir: LocalDir = LocalDir(path='dir')

# Access file through directory.
file_name = 'file.txt'
local_file: LocalFile = local_dir.get_file(file_name)

# Set file metadata through the "File" API..
local_file.set_metadata(metadata={'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'})

# Get file metadata through the "Dir" API.

Executing the above code produces the following output:

{'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'}

Even though local_dir.set_metadata was never invoked, local_dir.get_metadata(file_path=file_name) returns the metadata dictionary that was set via local_file.set_metadata. Naturally, the reverse is also possible:

from import LocalDir, LocalFile

# Access directory.
local_dir: LocalDir = LocalDir(path='dir')

# Access file through directory.
file_name = 'file.txt'
local_file: LocalFile = local_dir.get_file(file_name)

# Set file metadata through the "Dir" API..
local_dir.set_metadata(file_path=file_name, metadata={'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'})

# Get file metadata through the "File" API.

After being executed, this produces the same output as before:

{'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'}

Loading metadata

It would make sense to assume that if we were to access file.txt on Amazon S3 by using Fluke’s File API, we could then invoke get_metadata so that we fetch the metadata that we previously assigned to it. Let’s do just that and see what happens:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3File

# Gain access to 'file.txt' on Amazon S3 and print its metadata.
with AmazonS3File(
) as aws_obj:

By executing the above code, we get the following output:


That’s strange. Shouldn’t we see a dictionary containing the metadata we just assigned to the object while transfering it to Amazon S3? Actually, the answer is no, and the reason for this is quite simple: both methods get_metadata and set_metadata only interact with the instance through which they are being invoked, which is merely an object stored within our machine’s local RAM. This consequently means that if we were to invoke an instance’s set_metadata method in order to assign metadata to it, it would have absolutely no effect on the actual metadata of the instance’s underlying object entity that is stored on Amazon S3. Similarly, invoking an instance’s get_metadata method won’t fetch the object’s actual metadata, though it will search for any metadata we may have assigned to it locally.

So how can we inspect the actual metadata of an object? This can be easily done by setting the constructor’s parameter load_metadata. On top of opening a connection to the file, setting this parameter to True will result in the object’s actual metadata being fetched via HTTPS and stored in memory. Thus, going back to our example, we would be able to display the object’s metadata if we would just set the aformentioned parameter:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3File

# Gain access to 'file.txt' on Amazon S3 and print its metadata.
with AmazonS3File(
) as aws_obj:
    # Then print it.

Note that even if you don’t set load_metadata to True during the file’s instantiation, you can always invoke method load_metadata manually at a later time and achieve the same result:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3File

# Gain access to 'file.txt' on Amazon S3 and print its metadata.
with AmazonS3File(
) as aws_obj:
    # Load metadata.
    # Then print it.

By executing the above code, we now get the expected output:

{'id': '12345', 'type': 'txt'}

As a final note, whenever setting include_metadata to True, transfer_to will always look first for any local metadata that can be assigned to the file(s) resulting from the transfer. Nevertheless, if no metadata have been assigned to a file through set_metadata, then transfer_to will actually go on to fetch any potentially existing metadata associated with the file so that it may assign them to the resulting file. This means that in the following example, any actual metadata associated with file.txt will actually be carried over from Amazon S3 to Azure Blob Storage despite the fact that they have not been loaded beforehand.

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth, AzureAuth
from import AmazonS3File, AzureBlobFile

with (
    ) as aws_obj,
    ) as azr_dir
    aws_obj.transfer_to(dst=azr_dir, include_metadata=True)

Catching data

Whenever you request some piece of information about a remote entity, what happens under the hood is that Fluke will use an open connection to the resource which possesses said information in order to transfer it to our local machine so that you are able to access it. However, fetching certain types of information can be quite time-consuming. Consider for instance requesting the size of a virtual directory on the cloud. In order to compute this value, Fluke must not only list all individual files within the directory, but also fetch their respective sizes so that it computes the total size of the directory. As directories grow larger and larger, tasks similar to this require more and more time to complete.

Due to the above stated reasons, Fluke offers the ability to cache certain bits of information about remote entities after you’ve requested them once, so that accessing them a second time doesn’t take nearly as long as it did the first time. You can declare a remote entity as cacheable by setting parameter cache to True during its instantiation:

import time

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3File

auth = AWSAuth(**aws_credentials)

with AmazonS3Dir(auth=auth, bucket='bucket', path='dir', cache=True) as s3_dir:
  # Fetch metadata via HTTPS.
  t = time.perf_counter()
  print(f"Fetched metadata in {time.perf_counter() - t:.2f} seconds!")

  # Fetch metadata from cache.
  t = time.perf_counter()
  print(f"Fetched metadata in {time.perf_counter() - t:.2f} seconds!")

Executing the above code block outputs the following:

Fetched metadata in 7.91 seconds!
Fetched metadata in 0.01 seconds!

Note, however, that after caching information about a remote entity you are going to be missing on any potential updates it receives, as said information would be retrieved straight from the cache. Be that as it may, you can always clear an instance’s cache by invoking purge:

from fluke.auth import AWSAuth
from import AmazonS3File

with AmazonS3Dir(auth=AWSAuth(**aws_credentials), bucket='bucket', path='dir', cache=True) as s3_dir:
  # Count number of items in directory.
  print(f"Directory count: {s3_dir.count()}")

  # At this point, assume that one more
  # file is uploaded to the directory.

  # Re-count number of items in directory
  # without purging the cache.
  print(f"Directory count: {s3_dir.count()}")

  # Re-count number of items in directory
  # after purging the cache.
  print(f"Directory count: {s3_dir.count()}")

By executing the above code, we get the following output:

Directory count: 1
Directory count: 1
Directory count: 2

Lastly, as mentioned in Intermediate access, all files and subdirectories that are accessed through a directory share the same cache storage with it. This means that fetching some information about them might speed up fetching information about the directory which spawned them. Consider the following example:

from import AmazonS3Dir

# This object will be used to authenticate with AWS.
aws_auth = AWSAuth(**aws_credentials)

# Access an AWS S3 directory and render it "cacheable".
with AmazonS3Dir(auth=aws_auth, bucket="bucket", path='dir', cache=True) as s3_dir:
  # Fetch the directory's total size and time it.
  t = time.perf_counter()
  _ = s3_dir.get_size(recursively=True)
  print(f"Fetched size in {time.perf_counter() - t:.2f} seconds!")

  # Now purge the directory's cache.

  # Fetch the sizes of the directory's file and subdirectory.
  _ = s3_dir.get_file('file.txt').get_size()
  _ = s3_dir.get_subdir('subdir').get_size(recursively=True)

  # Fetch the directory's total size and time it again.
  t = time.perf_counter()
  _ = s3_dir.get_size(recursively=True)
  print(f"Fetched size in {time.perf_counter() - t:.2f} seconds!")

The above code produces the following output when executed:

Fetched size in 21.17 seconds!
Fetched size in 0.03 seconds!

The first time we requested the total size of the directory, Fluke had to list the directory recursively in order to fetch the respective sizes of all its files, and then finally compute their sum. However, the second time we requested the same value, we had already fetched all respective file sizes independently, resulting in these values being cached. Therefore, Fluke could just grab them from the cache and simply add them up so as to return the total size of the directory.